Friday, February 4, 2011

Dear Alexa,

Your teacher, Ms. M, has changed your "Book in the Bag" project a bit.  Now, every night you bring home a book, practice it and then return it to school to read to a friend.  I think it's great and I'm so proud at how well you are doing with your reading.  Sometimes I get frustrated, as you know, but it's good that you remind me that you're still learning.  I love that it gives us a special chance to hang out with each other at night, to practice reading.  You make me the proudest Mommy in the whole world when you can bring those books home and read them so well on your first try.  I know you love school and being studious.  I can't tell you enough how proud I am of you.  Keep it up kiddo.  You read "Kate and Dolly" like a champ last night.  Lately, you've  been reading your books to Chloe.  She's a pretty lucky girl to be your partner. 

Daddy worked late last night.  He is working on a few new projects which will in turn make his hours a bit later on Thursday nights.  I was bummed about it in the beginning, but after last night, I don't think it's so bad.  I am officially declaring Thursday nights - "Girls Night".  Last night we watched The Last Song, that Miley Cyrus movie you've been wanting to watch.  You heard about it through Jamie and Maddie and that Jamie cried at the end.  I wasn't so sure it was an appropriate movie for you to watch, because Jamie told me the ending (about the Dad dieing).  Even tho I told you the movie was sad and basically told you the Dad was going to die, we both cried anyways.  I love that you express your emotions and have such a big heart Alexa.  I don't like to see you sad, but you know that it was just a movie and not real life. 

The thought of 'dieing' both made us miss Grandma Louise and Grandma Cruz.  We cried as we remenisced a little about them both before bed.  Just know they are always looking down on you, making sure that you're ok.  Even tho they aren't physically here, they live inside your heart and are with you every day.

I love you princess poo! 

